Descriere scurtă
Created in 1996, PARADA comes to the aid of children and young people in street situations, as well as homeless families.
In almost 30 years of activity, PARADA has helped over three thousand children and at least that many adults in a street situation. He helped them to be less hungry, to wash their clothes, helped them to smile after a long time, to cross the threshold of the school for the first time or to sign the first employment contract. He helped them to spend a day, a night or more in the eat during the winter, to find the joy of a lost childhood, to
feel safe, or just to get through one more year. It helped them to build themselves, despite the traumas, to be able to put one step in front of the other with more trust than they did before. It helped them feel better and a little bit less alone.
Numele organizației: Fundatia PARADA
Județ: Bucuresti
Localitate: Sector 4
Adresa fizică: Str Bucur 23, Sect 4, Bucuresti
Număr înregistrare în Registrul Asociațiilor și Fundațiilor: 740/B/2000
Reprezentant legal: Jugureanu Ionut-Serban (Director general)
Membrii Consiliului Director: Adrian Dimache (Administrator), Clemence Valin (Administrator), Aloisio Francesco (Presedinte)